Hi again it is Wednesday. I hope everyone is feeling well today. I thought I would share with you some useless facts about insects for todays blog topic. So here we go.....
- The penis of a male spider is located in the end of one of its legs.
- Ants have slaves from other conquered ant tribes.
- Mosquitoes are attracted to the colour blue.
- Poisonous snakes kill less people worldwide then the honey bee does.
- The ant has the largest brain in proportion to its body size then any other animal.
- A cockroach can survive a couple of weeks with its head cut off.
- Termites are part of the cockroach family.
- The female bee is the only bee that works in the hive. The male bee job is just to fertilize the queen bee.
- A dragon fly only lives for 24 hours.
- Insects eat 1/3 of the earths food crop each year.
- There are 200 million insects for each human.
- Mayflies only live one day.
- A moth does not have a stomach.
- Bees have 4 wings.
- Scientists have preformed brain surgery on cockroaches
- Crickets use there knees to hear.
- Only 4 out of 20,000 species of bees make honey.
- Using the sun as a compass the honey bee navigates this world.
- Flies taste with there feet.
- Antartica is the only land mass were butterflies and moths are not found.
Well I hope you enjoyed some of these useless insects facts for today. I will post a new blog very soon. Have yourself a wonderful Wednesday. Please fill free to post a comment below, and I thank you for taking the time for reading this blog.
Great article really enjoyed it.