It's Monday again. I hope everyone enjoyed there extra hour they had on Sunday. If your like me you probably wish it was still the weekend. I see if I can find you some useless facts about the human body for this Monday. Here we go.....
Sea water in terms of chemical composition resembles our own blood.
A man's heart beat slower then a women's.
A person's nose and ears continue to grow through out your life.
100 km a hour is the average speed a cough comes out your mouth.
15 million blood cells are destroyed in the human body every 1 second.
You would cover an ironing board if you unfolded your brain.
A human on average breaths 23,000 times in a 24 hour period.
Your taste buds in your mouth last on average about 10 days.
Your feet have 1/4 of the bones in your whole body.
All your body functions stop when you sneeze.
If you drink cow's milk it takes your stomach 1 hour to break it down.
You have approximately 100,000 hair on your scalp.
You have 29 different bones in your skull.
656 square feet (200m) is the average size on a human intestine.
Your body is comprised of 80% water.
98% of the atoms are replaced in your body each year.
Your thighbones are stronger then concrete.
In your lifetime you shed about 40 pounds of skin.
I hope you enjoyed some of these useless facts about the human body. Talk to you soon...
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